Voici la première vidéo de gameplay pour le personnage de Doctor Who (Peter Capaldi, le 12e Doctor) dans le jeu vidéo LEGO Dimensions.
A noter que les 12 Doctor Who et le War Doctor seront jouables dans le jeu (même si seul le 12e Doctor Who – Peter Capaldi – aura des dialogues). La fin de la vidéo montre d’ailleurs un aperçu des 12 Doctor Who, les fans apprécieront !
Fans who want more Doctor Who in LEGO Dimensions will be able to purchase the Doctor Who Level Pack which includes an additional mission-based Doctor Who level, along with a LEGO minifigure of the 12th Doctor and LEGO models of the TARDIS and K-9, all playable in the game. When the 12th Doctor is defeated in the level, he returns as the 1st Doctor and then regenerates back up to the 12th Doctor again. The interior of the TARDIS will reflect the corresponding Doctor the player embodies or can be manually selected. There’s even a jukebox inside where players can choose among different versions of the Doctor Who theme music. The TARDIS and K-9 models can each be physically built and then rebuilt twice to do entirely different things in the digital game for massive variety.
LEGO a également révélé un nouveau pack : le Fun Pack LEGO Dimensions Doctor Who Cyberman (71238) qui sera disponible le 19 janvier 2015 avec un Cyberman et un Dalek :